Summons War 6 Calculator

Do you have a 5* ready to evolve, uncheck if you don't. {{checkboxModel.value2}}
How many of each star level do you have? Level 1 Max Level
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Take the number in the Max Levels column, evolve those, then move to the next row. You will have the correct amount needed at level 1, then just level up the amount equal to the Max Level column again. Then just repeat until you get to the last row. If a number is negative, then skip to the next line as you already have enough of the higher stars.
For Example. If it says I need 300 more 2-stars at level 1 and need to level 100, that means I have to have 100 2-stars at level 20, and 200 fodder. When those 100 2-stars are evolved, this will make 100 three stars. From there, level 25 of those 3-stars leaving 75 fodder. When those are evolved, I will have 25 4-stars at level 1. When 5 of them are leveled, 20 fodder is left. After evolution, there will be 5 fresh 5-stars ready to be used to make a 5 star.
If you instead want to just summon mystical scrolls for fodder, then you start reading from the three star line. I need 100 3-stars to make 25 4-stars, which will then be used to make 5 5-stars.
You Need to:
Star Level Have X at Level 1 Then Get X to Max Level and Evolve Two Stars {{ needed[0] }} {{ needed[1]-haveTwoStars[1] }} Three Stars {{ needed[1] }} {{ needed[2]-haveThreeStars[1] }} Four Stars {{ needed[2] }} {{ needed[3]-haveFourStars[1] }} Five Stars {{ needed[3] }} {{ fiveStars[1] }}
It will take you {{timeNeeded | number:2}} hours to make a 6*
This isnt 100% accurate. Doesnt factor in menu time or odd level amounts. This is the total amount of exp needed and how fast it would take you to get it based on the XP number.